Getting an estimate for a collision repair is the first and foremost step to get your car repaired after getting hit. How and where you would get the estimate mainly depends on a lot of factors, but it basically has something to do with the cases your insurance policy accepts or mandates. However, there are some basic guidelines that you could follow that are common with every insurance policy.
Have a talk with your insurance company first, as it can provide you experts who are specialized in working to give you an estimate for collision repair. It may also give you a list of their approved repair shops that you can contact. Even if you think you can get a better and more affordable estimate for collision repair on your own, you must seek first the requirements of your insurance company imposes.
Make sure to Have the repair shop to specify what will not be covered under the agreement with the insurance company regarding the collision repair. Most insurance companies will not pay for certain repair jobs, such as removing the fuel tank, realignment of the wheels, adjustment of the belt, and replacement of the nameplates. When going for an estimate, ask the repair shop to exclude those items from the voucher or receipt.
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